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What are the reviews like for William and Mary?

I'm seriously considering applying to William and Mary, and I would love to hear some honest reviews from students who have studied there. What are its pros and cons?

3 months ago

William & Mary is known for its strong academic reputation, tight-knit community, and beautiful campus. Many students particularly rave about the school's emphasis on public service, and how this creates an atmosphere of active, passionate, and compassionate individuals.

The school takes pride in the robust liberal arts education it offers, fostering critical thinking skills and exposure to a range of subjects. The class sizes tend to be small, allowing for a high level of interaction with professors. They're generally regarded as dedicated, accessible, and very interested in their students' success.

One of the unique features of William & Mary is the strong sense of tradition, from campus-wide events to the honor code, which is taken very seriously. Another notable aspect is undergraduate research; a significant number of students participate in research projects.

Regarding cons, while the rigorous academic environment is often a draw, it can also be stressful. The course load is demanding, and the environment is competitive. That said, many students feel the stress is manageable and even conducive to their growth.

Another potential drawback for some is the social scene. Greek life plays a significant role and can influence the social hierarchy so to speak. That said, there are also plenty of other ways to get involved and make friends, so you don't have to go Greek to have a social life.

The school isn't big on the party scene, and some students feel the nightlife options in Williamsburg are limited. However, others appreciate the break from the typical "party school" atmosphere and enjoy the array of on-campus events, club activities, and outdoor festivities.

It's critical to remember that everyone's experience varies. What one person can see as a con (like an intense academic environment) might be a pro for someone else. If you're truly interested in William & Mary, I'd suggest reviewing these factors and considering how they align with what you're looking for in a college experience. For more personalized insights, speaking or connecting with current students or alumni can be quite illuminating.

3 months ago

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