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What's the acceptance rate like for Touro College?

Hey everyone! So, I've been searching up different universities and I came across Touro College. I wanted to know what the acceptance rate at Touro College is like? Are there any factors that particularly weigh in for their admissions? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

In 2022, Touro College in New York was granted university status and is now Touro University. has a relatively high acceptance rate, with recent data indicating a rate of about 71%. That means that about 71 out of 100 applicants are typically admitted, making Touro College moderately selective.

In terms of the factors that Touro University considers, it's worth noting that they implement a holistic admissions process. This means they not only look at academic metrics like GPA and test scores, but also consider other components such as your extracurricular activities, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and the courses you took in high school.

Despite having a holistic process, they still uphold certain academic standards. For example, the average GPA of admitted students tends to be about 3.28, which suggests a B+ average in high school. Please note that these figures can fluctuate year to year.

It's always wise to ensure your application shows a balance of both strong academic achievement and substantive involvement in extracurricular activities or community service. Basically, a holistic review means they want to see who you are beyond your grades, so make sure to showcase your unique qualities, accomplishments, and potential through different aspects of your application.

I hope that helps to shed some light on the admissions process at Touro University!

3 months ago

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