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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help with University of Richmond info?

Has anyone here applied to or attended the University of Richmond? I'm considering it for my applications next year and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Anything specific I should know regarding the academics or campus life, etc.?

3 months ago

The University of Richmond, located in Virginia, is a well-regarded private university that offers a range of academic programs across various fields. Here are a few aspects that make Richmond unique:

Academics: University of Richmond operates on a liberal arts model which means students typically have a well-rounded approach to their studies, with various opportunities to explore different disciplines before choosing their major. Some popular majors include Business, Social Sciences, and Biological Sciences, but they have a variety of majors to cater to diverse interests. Richmond is also quite small, with about 3,164 undergraduate students, so the student-to-faculty ratio (8:1) is favorable, which might mean more opportunity for close interaction with your professors.

Campus Life: Richmond offers a robust student life with various clubs, organizations, and activities. The university has over 200 student-run organizations to cater to a variety of interests. They have a high level of student engagement, particularly in community service and study abroad programs.

Location: The campus itself is scenic - in fact, one of the most beautiful college campuses in the U.S., described as a "gated community within a city". You get the charm of a suburban campus, but are also within easy reach of downtown Richmond, which can give you the city's cultural and social experiences. Plus, Richmond is the capital city of Virginia, known for its historical landmarks and vibrant food scene.

Financial Aid: Richmond is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need, and it's one of the few universities in the U.S. that offer both merit-based scholarships and need-based financial aid.

As part of your application process, you might want to visit the campus to get a feel for student life or reach out to current students or alumni through the university's official channels. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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