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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any thoughts on Oakland Michigan College?

Hey folks, I'm currently doing some research on colleges and Oakland Michigan popped up. Does anyone have any experience with this college? What should I know? Like, how's their academics, campus life, student-faculty ratio... stuff like that.

3 months ago

Oakland University, located in Rochester, Michigan, is a mid-sized public institution with a good reputation. Its suburban setting provides a balance between access to urban offerings and more natural settings. Because of its location, it has quite a lot to offer in terms of proximity to local businesses and industries for internships and potential job opportunities.

Starting with academics, Oakland offers over 120 undergraduate degree programs across a wide variety of fields. Some of the more notable programs include those in health professions, business, engineering, and nursing, which are quite strong and respected. The student-to-faculty ratio is about 20:1, so while classes aren't small, they're not overwhelmingly large either.

Regarding campus life, many students commute and live off-campus, so this does affect the sense of campus community to an extent. However, the school still has robust offerings in terms of clubs, activities, and organizations. Intramural sports are quite popular, and there are numerous opportunities for community volunteering and service.

Oakland University is also home to a strong Greek life, with several fraternities and sororities housed on campus. In addition, the university's athletic teams, known as the Golden Grizzlies, compete in the NCAA Division I Horizon League.

As for living on campus, I’ve heard about their impressive residence facilities, offering suite-style accommodations. The university also has a library, student center, and various eateries. There's a lot to explore in the surrounding area as well, with Detroit only a 30-minute drive from campus.

As you continue your college search, it's essential to visit (if possible) or, at the least, get in contact with students or alumni to get a more personal insight into what attending Oakland University is truly like. Best of luck with your search!

3 months ago

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