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SAT: 720 math
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Smallest branch of U.S. military?

Hey there, fellow users! I've been considering the military after high school as an alternative to college. Can someone shed some light on which U.S. military branch has the least number of active duty personnel? I think that might influence my decision. Thanks!

3 months ago

Hello! Great question! The military branch with the least active-duty personnel is the U.S. Space Force. As of 2023, the Space Force has approximately 16,000 active-duty personnel. As a smaller branch, members often work in multiple capacities, which can provide a diversity in daily work responsibilities and tasks that you might enjoy.

In contrast, the most populous military branch is the Army, with over 450,000 active-duty personnel. There are also medium-sized branches like the Air Force and Navy, each with roughly 325,000-345,000 personnel.

Bear in mind that each branch of the military offers different types of jobs, areas of specialty, and opportunities both during service and after transitioning out of the military. So it would be beneficial to also consider what types of roles and tasks you might be interested in.

Good luck with your decision!

3 months ago

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