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SAT: 720 math
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Interested in Hannibal-LaGrange University

Anyone here go to Hannibal-LaGrange University? What's the campus culture like? How is their nursing program? All feedback and insights are appreciated!

3 months ago

Hannibal-LaGrange University is a small institution, which fosters a close-knit community atmosphere. With a smaller student body, you can have a more on-face and engaging learning experience. It is a faith-based institution and incorporates that into the campus culture, including chapel services and faith activities that students may attend.

In terms of the nursing program, it has a reputation for providing quality education and has accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), a seal of approval regarding the program's curriculum and faculty. Students in the program often speak to the hands-on clinical experience they receive, which helps them to put what they learn in the classroom into real-world situations.

However, it's worth noting that nursing programs are rigorous, no matter which college you attend. The curriculum generally includes demanding coursework, hands-on training, and clinical placements. You can expect similar rigor at Hannibal-LaGrange, but also supportive faculty and resources that aim to foster your success in the program and beyond.

One important thing to note is that the experience can differ significantly from student to student, so it would be beneficial to reach out to current students or alumni directly for their personal insights. You could also consider visiting the campus if possible, as this can give you a better feel for the environment and culture of the university.

3 months ago

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