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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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A Comprehensive List of UT Majors

Hey peeps, a junior here trying to narrow down potential colleges. I'm looking at University of Tampa. Can anyone provide a full list of majors they have at UT? And also, any standout programs you know about?

3 months ago

The University of Tampa (UT) offers an array of undergraduate majors spanning several disciplines, including Arts & Letters, Business, Natural and Health Sciences, and Social Sciences. While a comprehensive list of all majors would be quite extensive, here are some of the notable academic departments you might be interested in exploring:

- Department of Business: Accounting, Business Information Technology, Finance, International Business, Management, and Marketing.

- Department of Natural Sciences: Marine Science - Biology, Applied Health Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Forensic Science, etc.

- Department of Social Sciences: Economics, International Studies, Government and World Affairs, Journalism, Psychology, Criminology, Sociology.

- Department of Humanities: Communication, English, Spanish, Philosophy, and Writing.

- Department of Arts: Art Therapy, Dance, Film and Media Arts, Graphic Design, and Music.

As for standout programs, many students and faculty advocate for the Business and Marine Science programs as they are both vibrant and rigorous. The University of Tampa's Sykes College of Business is well-regarded and accredited by the AACSB, a distinction held by only about five percent of business schools worldwide.

The Marine Science program at UT takes great advantage of Tampa's location on the Gulf of Mexico, offering students hands-on research opportunities that are uncommon at the undergraduate level.

Of course, your choice of major should be guided by your personal interests and career goals and you should explore each department in depth on the University's official website to get a complete picture of the opportunities available.

Always remember to consider other aspects of university life as well as academic offerings when choosing a college; campus culture, student life, and opportunities for internships or study abroad programs are just as critical for a well-rounded college experience.

3 months ago

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