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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Assistance: How can I determine if college is the right path for me?

Hey everyone, I've been contemplating my post-high school plans and I'm not 100% sure if college is the right path for me, what tools or quizzes would you recommend to aid in making this decision?

3 months ago

Choosing your post-high school path can be a significant decision and it's perfectly normal to feel uncertain. One way to assist you in this decision-making process is to do a self-assessment to better understand your strengths, areas of interest, and career goals. If you see yourself in a career that requires a college degree, this might sway your decision towards college.

Also, consider your learning preferences. If you enjoy structured, academic learning or if your desired profession requires an extensive knowledge base that can be developed in a university setting, college might be for you.

Alternatively, if you enjoy a more hands-on learning approach, favor immediate income, or have a specific trade in mind, vocational school or starting work immediately may be a better option.

There are many career assessment tests available online that could provide useful insights. Some of these like the "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator" or "Holland Code Career Test" propose types of work environments and professions that may fit well with your personality.

Also, consider seeking advice from people in your life. Talk to your school counselor, parents, or professionals within any fields you're interested in. Gaining a variety of perspectives can provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of different post-high school pathways.

Lastly, remember that the decision does not have to be black and white, college or no college. There are flexible pathways such as part-time college, online learning, community college, or apprenticeship programs. It's all about finding the best fit for you.

3 months ago

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