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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges value elective classes like cooking in high school?

Hey, does anyone know if taking unique electives like a cooking class during high school is seen as a plus by admissions? I'm really into culinary arts and took cooking all this year. Do those courses hold any weight, or should I have focused on more academic electives?

11 months ago

Absolutely, admissions teams do consider your elective choices, including something as unique as a cooking class. While it’s true that rigorous academic electives can be important, colleges also value students who pursue their genuine interests. It's all about how you frame your choice. If culinary arts is your passion, it’s great you’re exploring it in high school. This can be a wonderful part of your application narrative that sets you apart. For instance, my child had an interest in graphic design and took electives in that area, which helped strengthen their application to a university with a strong arts program. Remember, colleges are looking for well-rounded classes composed of individuals with various interests. Take pride in your culinary arts class and consider how you can continue to pursue that passion in conjunction with your academics!

11 months ago

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