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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the vibe at St. Andrews University?

Hey everyone, I've been looking into St. Andrews University, and I'm curious about the overall environment. Can anyone share their insights on what the student life, culture, and academic atmosphere are really like over there? How's the social scene and are there good opportunities for research and internships? Any thoughts would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hey there! My daughter is currently in her second year at St. Andrews, and she's loving the experience. The university has a very international vibe with students from all over the world, which she finds super enriching. Academically, it's rigorous and the professors are very supportive. As for student life, it's quite diverse – there are lots of societies and clubs to join, and the university is very rich in traditions, which my daughter enjoys participating in. And yes, St. Andrews is quite strong in terms of research, especially if you're into fields like international relations, biology, or physics. Internship opportunities can vary depending on your field of study, but my daughter found great summer opportunities with the help of the careers centre. The social scene is quite active with pubs and events, and the town itself is charming and safe with gorgeous beaches. If your student loves golf, they'll be in paradise! It might not have the hustle and bustle of a big city university, but the community feel makes it special. Overall, she's had a positive experience, both academically and socially!

a year ago

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