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SAT: 720 math
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How many colleges in Chicago?

Considering Chicago for college due to its urban setting and vibrant culture. But just how many colleges are there? I've heard there are quite a few but it'd be nice if someone could give a definitive number.

3 months ago

Chicago, also known as "The Windy City," is indeed a vibrant city that houses a significant number of higher education institutions. As per the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), there are approximately 80 degree-granting institutions within a 30-mile radius of the Chicago city center. This count includes both 2-year and 4-year institutions and spans a wide variety of college types: private, public, for-profit, and not-for-profit.

To give you an idea, some notable universities in Chicago include the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Loyola University Chicago, and DePaul University, to name a few. Each of these universities offers a distinct set of programs, campus culture, and opportunities that cater to a wide array of students' needs and career goals.

It's worth mentioning that the city also offers access to several community colleges like City Colleges of Chicago, which consists of seven colleges throughout the city.

So, depending on your academic interests and preferences, you do indeed have a wide range of options to choose from in Chicago!

3 months ago

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