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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How difficult is it to get into Long Island University, Brooklyn?

Can someone tell me about the acceptance rate of Long Island University's Brooklyn campus? I'm trying to assess how competitive admissions is there. Any extra information would also be appreciated.

3 months ago

Long Island University's Brooklyn campus has an acceptance rate of approximately 93%, based on recent data. This means that out of every 100 applicants, about 93 are admitted, which suggests that the admissions process is not exceptionally competitive compared to more selective institutions. However, bear in mind that an acceptance rate alone is not a definitive measure of an institution's quality or appropriateness for a particular student.

When considering Long Island University - Brooklyn, you should also take into account other key factors. For instance, the school is known for offering degrees in a diverse array of fields, with popular majors including Business, Health Professions, and Visual and Performing Arts. Also, with a relatively small student body, LIU Brooklyn provides a community-like atmosphere and classes are often smaller, which can facilitate better student-faculty interaction.

Regarding the standards for admitted students, the average GPA of incoming students at LIU Brooklyn tends to hover around 3.2. For students submitting SAT scores (not mandatory with LIU's test-optional policy) recent classes have boasted an average SAT range of 1100 to 1240. Be mindful that these are averages and actual scores can vary.

Remember, it's crucial to consider what you're looking for in your college experience and choose institutions that align with your academic goals and personal preferences. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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