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Insights into the Mortuary School in Pittsburgh?

Hi, I'm seriously considering the Mortuary School in Pittsburgh. I'd really appreciate insights, reviews or personal experiences about this program. Specifically, what kind of classes do they offer, are the professors engaged, how are the internships? Basically, anything would help at this point!

3 months ago

The Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science (PIMS) is a well-recognized institute in the field of funeral services. The curriculum is comprehensive and designed to prepare students for a rewarding career in the funeral service industry.

The curriculum primarily consists of four main areas of study: Funeral Service Sciences, Funeral Service Arts, Funeral Directing, and Clinical/Embalming. Each category has several subjects under it. For example, under Funeral Service Sciences, you will study human anatomy, microbiology, and pathology, whereas under Funeral Service Arts, you will dive into restorative art and funeral service counseling.

On the teaching side, PIMS faculty is known to be dedicated and knowledgeable. The faculty consists of licensed funeral directors, embalmers, and other professionals who bring practical experience into their teaching. This can greatly assist in establishing a solid foundation of practical knowledge for the students.

In terms of the practical aspect of the program, PIMS places a high emphasis on hands-on learning. They have a clinical lab where you will perform embalming and restorative art techniques. In addition, you have to complete an internship as part of the graduation requirement. This internship involves embalming a certain number of bodies under close supervision, arranging and directing funerals, making funeral home visits, and more. This practical exposure is invaluable and a critical part of your training.

One aspect that consistently stands out in experiences shared by alumni is the strength of the PIMS alumni network. This can be particularly beneficial when job hunting or seeking advice from professionals in the field.

In conclusion, the Mortuary School in Pittsburgh provides a comprehensive and practical training program that prepares you well for a career in funeral services. It would be useful to connect with current students and recent graduates if possible, to get first-hand information about the program. Take into account your career goals and personal preferences when making your decision.

3 months ago

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