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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Quick Question about Marymount College in Virginia

Hi all, I've been looking into Marymount College in Virginia since it popped up in my search for colleges with a good student-to-teacher ratio. Anyone currently attending or with some knowledge about the college? I'd greatly appreciate any opinions on its campus life and/or reputation.

5 months ago

Marymount University (formerly Marymount College) is a private university located in Arlington, Virginia, that's known for its focus on student engagement and its variety of academic programs. One thing students often appreciate is its small class size, which is consistent with your preference for a strong student-to-teacher ratio.

Given its location in Arlington, Marymount offers its students the benefits of both a close-knit campus community and the extensive cultural, recreational, and career opportunities of the greater D.C. area just minutes away. This can prove to be a blend of the best of both worlds for some students.

In terms of academic reputation, Marymount has several recognized programs. It's known for nursing, business administration, and interior design among others. Its academic rigor and support are generally well rated.

As for campus life, many students mention the sense of community and closeness due to the small size of the university. There are a good number of student organizations and clubs that cater to a wide range of interests, so it's likely you'll find groups that align with your hobbies or passions.

Keep in mind that everyone's college experience is unique, so it's always valuable to take a campus tour virtually or in person if possible. This will provide you with a firsthand experience of the campus environment, plus the opportunity to interact with some Marymount University students and faculty.

5 months ago

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