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Is a 29 ACT Score Competitive?

Hello, I recently received a 29 on my ACT and I'm honestly not sure how 'good' that is. Can anyone advise on the type of schools this score targets? And should I consider a retake?

3 months ago

A 29 on the ACT is generally considered a competitive score, but that can vary quite a bit depending on which schools you are targeting. To give you perspective, the national average ACT score hovers around 21, meaning a score of 29 positions you significantly higher than most test-takers.

However, what could be a 'good' score largely depends on where you're aiming to apply. For instance, if you're planning to apply to colleges with an average ACT score in the 20-25 range, then a 29 would very much enhance your application.

However, if you're aiming for more selective universities, which typically have ACT mid 50% score ranges around 33 to 36, your score will be considered on the lower end.

Should you retake the ACT? That depends. If you feel that you could perform better with additional study, or if you didn't prepare thoroughly before your first attempt, it might be worth another try. Further, if you're eyeing schools with higher average ACT scores, a retake might be a worthy consideration. However, remember that test scores make up only part of your application; your grades, extracurricular involvement, and essays are also significant.

At the end of the day, you need to balance your time for retaking the test with the time you need to invest in other important aspects of your application. It's also worth noting that many colleges are moving towards test-optional policies, reducing the weight of test scores in their admissions processes.

3 months ago

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