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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Michigan Art Schools: Pros and Cons?

I'm a junior greatly interested in pursuing my passion for Art in college and I've been looking into art schools in Michigan. Could someone please share their own experiences or what they've heard regarding art programs in Michigan schools? I greatly appreciate any insight or advice!

3 months ago

Michigan has some excellent art programs that could well serve your artistic passion.

One of the reputed art schools in Michigan is the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan. It offers both BFA and BA programs. A unique feature of Stamps is its focus on interdisciplinary studies, where students are encouraged to explore beyond traditional boundaries and integrate their art studies with other academic disciplines. This can truly widen your perspective and open up more career avenues. However, as an advantage can come with shadows, such a broad curriculum might not be best for those looking for a more focused, traditional art program.

Remember to also consider other factors such as financial aid packages, size of the school, the type of student community, available resources and facilities, etc. Try to visit campuses if it's possible, or attend virtual tours and info sessions. Such firsthand interactions could help you get a better feel of the environment at each school.

3 months ago

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