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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some good questions to ask during a college visit?

Hey everyone! I'm planning my college visits and I want to make sure I get the most out of these trips. What kind of questions should I be asking to really understand if the college is right for me?

3 months ago

Hands-on experience can indeed be one of the best ways to understand if a college is the right fit for you. In preparing your questions, you might want to divide them into categories: academic, campus life, and future prospects. Here are a few suggestions for each:


1. How much interaction is there between professors and students? Does the university encourage and facilitate this connection?

2. Is undergraduate research encouraged and accessible?

3. What is the class structure like, and how much personal attention do students receive?

Campus Life:

1. What types of extracurricular activities are popular on campus?

2. Can I learn more about the housing options?

3. Are there support services available (like mental health resources, academic tutoring, career counselling)?

Future Prospects:

1. What does the university do to help its graduates find jobs or assist with the grad school application?

2. Do many students complete internships during their time here?

3. What's the alumni network like? Are there opportunities for mentoring?

Remember, there are no wrong questions. It's about finding the information most relevant to your needs to guide your decision-making process. Don't hesitate to ask about the specific aspects that matter to you like study abroad options, accessibility services, or diversity on campus. Good luck on your visits!

3 months ago

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