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Modeling degree programs?

Hey, guys. Just curious, do any universities offer a degree in modeling? I'm really interested in the fashion industry and modeling career. Is this a thing?

3 months ago

While universities typically don't offer degree programs solely dedicated to fashion modeling, there are programs that can equip you with skills relevant to the industry. Majoring in programs like Fashion Merchandising, Fashion Design, Fashion Communication, and Fashion Marketing and Management can enhance your awareness about the fashion industry. Alongside, these courses often offer modules on topics such as personal branding and fashion photography, which could be beneficial for a modeling career.

Public speaking or acting classes can also teach you about presence and personality, vital aspects of a modeling career. You might also consider programs in Nutrition and Fitness, as maintaining your physical wellness is also a key part of modeling.

Some schools might offer workshops or short courses specifically in modeling, which are worth looking into. Remember, modeling is a profession where practical experience often carries more weight. So, while you're studying, it's highly recommended to build your portfolio, engage with reputable modeling agencies, and seek out runway or photoshoot opportunities. Hope this helps!

3 months ago

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