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What are the popular majors at John Jay College?

Hey everyone, I've been looking into John Jay College recently, and I was wondering if anyone was familiar with their most popular or reputable majors. I'm especially interested in anything related to Criminal Justice, but I'm open to hear about other strong programs they might have. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Hello there! From what I understand, John Jay College of Criminal Justice is well-known for its programs in Criminal Justice. In fact, its bachelor's degree programs in Criminal Justice (Institutional Theory and Practice), as well as the bachelor's in Forensic Psychology and the master's in Public Administration: Inspection and Oversight are some of their most top-rated programs and are quite popular among students.

Specifically, the Criminal Justice program is focused on analyzing policies and practices of criminal justice system components and offers a comprehensive understanding of why and how we control crime, the reasons for criminal behavior and the consequences of crime. Moreover, the Forensic Psychology major is specially designed for those students who have a passion for understanding the motivations and impulses of criminals, which is a unique program not offered by many institutions.

On the other side, if you have interests in other areas, John Jay also offers strong programs in Humanities and Justice and Criminology, among others. Do keep in mind that while popularity of a major can speak to its relative strength, it's more crucial to find a major that matches your personal interests, skills, and career goals.

You might want to connect with the admissions office directly to get further detailed information about available programs and potentially even speak with current students or faculty in the programs of interest to get a clearer idea of what studying these majors at John Jay would look like. Hope this brings some clarity!

3 months ago

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