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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the acceptance rate for Millersville University of Pennsylvania?

I'm a junior looking into Millersville University of Pennsylvania. How competitive is the admissions process here? What's their acceptance rate like?

3 months ago

Admissions at Millersville University of Pennsylvania are relatively accessible when compared to some universities. In recent years, Millersville has been known to accept a little over 90% of applicants. The school looks to accept those who have strong academic records and the potential to excel within the university's programs and community. Keep in mind though that an applicant's chances can also vary depending on different factors, like the strength and rigor of the high school curriculum, your grades, and personal qualifications. So while the acceptance rate gives you a general idea of the admissions process, you should also focus on tailoring your application to be the best representation of you.

3 months ago

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