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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors are good at MSSU?

So, I've been eyeballing MSSU lately. I want to know about the most popular and worthwhile majors over there. Any insight into this would be cool.

3 months ago

Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) offers a variety of choices for majors, and each has its own merits. The choice of major often varies depending upon the career aspirations and academic interests of the students.

Two of the popular and well-regarded programs are the School of Business and the School of Health Sciences. The Business Administration degree offers different concentrations like Accounting, Economics, and Marketing giving the students a broad base of knowledge in business principles. MSSU's School of Health Sciences also offers strong programs in fields like Nursing and Dental Hygiene which have had good job placements after graduation.

MSSU also has unique programs in Environmental Health and International Studies for students seeking something a little different. The Environmental Health program is one of only 30 accredited programs in the United States, which speaks volumes of its quality. The International Studies program, on the other hand, gives you a strong interdisciplinary foundation and involves studying abroad, providing international exposure.

Overall, MSSU has many strong programs. It would be beneficial to review their academic offerings and consider what aligns with your career goals and interests the most. Good luck on your academic journey!

3 months ago

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