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Cost of Attending Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles?

Hiya! Been scouting out Mount Saint Mary's University in Los Angeles, but having a hard time finding a reliable source for the cost. Can anyone here shine some light on tuition rates and costs of living on campus? Thank you!

3 months ago

Hello! Sure, I can give you the information you're seeking. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition and fees for undergraduate students at Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles is roughly $49,500. However, do keep in mind that this figure covers only base tuition and does not include other fees that may apply such as student activity fee, technology fee, etc.

As for living expenses, if you plan on living on-campus, the room and board cost is approximately $16,000-$19,000 per year. When budgeting for additional expenses, don't forget to consider books and supplies, which could cost around $1,800 per year, as well as personal expenses.

Remember, these are estimated costs and actual expenses could be lower or higher. Also, it's worth noting that a lot of students at Mount Saint Mary's University normally receive financial aid in the form of scholarships and grants, which can significantly decrease the costs.

To get a more accurate idea of what you might pay after financial aid is applied, I would recommend utilizing Mount Saint Mary's University net price calculator on their official website.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

3 months ago

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