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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How's Drexel University according to student reviews?

I'm potentially interested in Drexel University. Can anyone who goes there or knows someone who does give me some insight? What are the academics like? Campus life? It would help me out a lot.

3 months ago

From what I've gathered from various student reviews and perspectives, Drexel University is often highly regarded for its cooperative education program, also known as "co-op". This program allows students to gain up to 18 months of real work experience before they graduate, which, coupled with Drexel's strong connection to industry and employers in Philadelphia, can give a significant leg up in their future careers.

Academically, Drexel is known for its strong programs in Business, Engineering, and Nursing. The professors are often highlighted for being industry professionals who bring real-life experience into the classroom. However, students do mention that the academic rigor can be quite tough, especially considering the quarter-based system where deadlines can feel more rushed compared to the more common semester-based system.

As for campus life, it appears to be quite vibrant. Philadelphia, being the 5th largest city in the US, offers a lot of opportunities for exploration and cultural immersion. On-campus, there are numerous student clubs and organizations that cater to a variety of interests. However, some students have mentioned that it can feel commuter-heavy, with many students living off-campus or returning home on the weekends.

Keep in mind that everyone's experience is unique and these general observations may not apply to every department or student. If possible, consider reaching out directly to current or recently graduated Drexel students for a more personal perspective. Another excellent consideration would be to take a campus visit, if feasible, as it would give you a first-hand feel of the university environment.

3 months ago

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