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Details on Dominican University, NY

Could you give me an idea about the tuition for Dominican University, New York? I’m trying to plan financially and any information would help.

3 months ago

There seems to be some confusion in your question as Dominican University is not located in New York, but in River Forest, Illinois. And if you're referring to Dominican College, that's in Orangeburg, New York. Although the two share similar names, they are separate institutions.

Since both of these institutions are private, tuition fees likely won't vary based on residency status. For the 2024-2025 academic year, full-time tuition is approximately $26,000 at Dominican University in Illinois and about $32,000 at Dominican College in New York. Please note that these figures don't include other costs like room and board, books, and other fees, which can add thousands of dollars more to your yearly expenses.

Want to make college more affordable? Applying for financial aid can help ease the burden. Both institutions accept the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which could make you eligible for federal grants, loans, and work-study. Additionally, Dominican University and Dominican College each offer their own institutional scholarships, some of which are merit-based. Be sure to research these opportunities to see if any might be relevant to you.

Remember, while the sticker price may seem steep, many students don't pay the full price. Net price—what you'll actually pay after accounting for grants and scholarships—is often significantly lower. Both schools have a net price calculator on their website, which can give you a more accurate estimation of what you'd pay to attend.

3 months ago

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