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Marine Biology Programs in New York Schools?

Hey all, I'm interested in marine biology and considering studying in New York. Anyone knows what are some of the best schools in New York for Marine Biology?

3 months ago

Definitely! There are several schools in New York State that offer robust programs in Marine Biology. Here are a few you may want to consider:

1. Stony Brook University - Located on Long Island, its School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences. The program provides students with solid foundations in biological, physical, and geological aspects of Marine Science.

2. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - It's not in NYC but in Syracuse. This school offers a degree program in Aquatic and Fisheries Science where you'd study about the biology and ecology of aquatic organisms.

3. Pace University - Found in the heart of NYC, Pace offers an Environmental Science program with a concentration in Marine Science.

4. Columbia University - Also based in NYC, under the Earth and Environmental Sciences department, they offer a major and concentration in Environmental Biology, where you can focus your studies in marine biology.

5. Cornell University - While not precisely located in NYC and more towards Ithaca, this prestigious institution offers a major in Biological Sciences with a concentration that allows you to focus on Marine Biology.

Remember to look into each program to see which one aligns best with your specific interests within the field of Marine Biology. Some programs are more focused on research, fieldwork, or have unique facilities like marine research labs or field stations.

3 months ago

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