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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Loan forgiveness in the military?

I'm planning on going to college after high school, but I'm worried about the student loans. I heard that some military branches help with loan repayment. Can someone tell me which military branch helps with paying off the most loans?

3 months ago

Each branch of the military has its own Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), which can help with paying off your student loans. Some key things to be aware of:

- Army: If you enlist in the Army, you may be eligible for its Student Loan Repayment Program, which will pay back up to $65,000 of your student loans.

- Navy: The Navy's Loan Repayment Program offers to pay up to $65,000 of your loans if you enlist in certain specialties.

- Air Force: The Air Force's College Loan Repayment Program offers to pay up to $10,000 of your student loans.

- National Guard: If you enlist in the National Guard, you may be eligible for its Student Loan Repayment Program, which pays up to $50,000.

Keep in mind that these programs may have specific requirements in terms of what job specialty you choose, your enlistment length, and the type of student loan. For example, some of these programs may require loans to be federal loans and not private ones.

Also, the specifics of these programs can change from year to year depending on the needs of the military, so you should check with a recruiter for the most up-to-date information.

3 months ago

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