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Looking for info on Point Loma University in San Diego

Hey guys, I've been thinking about applying to Point Loma University in San Diego, but I'm still unsure. How is the academic life over there? Are there any stand-out majors? What's the student culture like? Any insight is appreciated!

3 months ago

Hey there, happy to share some insights about Point Loma University.

Academically, Point Loma receives a lot of praises for its small class sizes and hands-on learning. The student to faculty ratio is approximately 13:1, meaning you will likely have access to your professors and they should be able to provide detailed attention.

As for standout majors, Nursing, Organizational Behavior Studies, and Managerial Economics have been highlighted as being particularly strong at Point Loma. However, they also have a wide range of majors, so you'll likely find a solid program in your field of interest.

When it comes to student culture, the university has a mixed response. The campus is quite attractive, located on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and the students at Point Loma are known for being friendly, outdoorsy, and passionate about their studies. It's worth noting, though, that Point Loma is a private Christian university, so spiritual life plays a significant role on the campus. They have chapel services and spiritual formation groups, and the students are expected to exemplify Christian principles.

However, like with any college, fit will largely depend on your individual preferences. If you’re interested in a smaller Christian university with strong faculty interaction and a cliffside location in San Diego, it may be a great fit for you. On the other hand, if you're seeking a secular or large public school experience, you might want to look elsewhere. I hope this helps you decide whether Point Loma could be the right place for you.

3 months ago

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