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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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About Colorado Springs colleges and universities

I'm planning to study in Colorado Springs but I'm still undecided on which uni to apply to. Can someone please suggest some good colleges or universities in Colorado Springs?

3 months ago

Colorado Springs is home to multiple reputable collegiate institutions, each one unique and potentially well-suited to your needs, depending on what you're seeking in a school.

1. University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS): Part of the broader University of Colorado system, UCCS offers over 53 bachelor's degrees, 24 master's degrees, and five doctoral degree programs in six different colleges. UCCS is well-known for an array of programs but particularly their Engineering and Business programs. If you're a sports lover, UCCS is also part of NCAA Division II, allowing for competitive athletics.

2. Colorado College (CC): A small liberal arts college known for its unique "Block Plan." The "Block Plan" means that instead of juggling multiple classes over a semester, students focus on one course at a time, for 3.5 weeks each. CC offers around 42 majors and is renowned for its programs in Environmental Science, International Relations, and more.

3. Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC): This is for those interested in an associate degree or looking for a more affordable way to earn credits before transferring to a four-year university. PPCC offers a range of programs and degrees from Business to Nursing.

4. U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA): A highly competitive military academy that trains undergraduates for leadership roles in the Air Force, while also equipping them with a solid liberal arts education. Graduation from the Academy comes with a commitment to serve in the military for a certain number of years.

I encourage you to research these institutions more in-depth to see which aligns best with your academic interests, career goals, financial situation, and overall university experience preferences. Make sure to check each institution's application requirements, and their respective admission rate, curriculum, campus environment, student support services, and extracurricular opportunities. Remember, the best college or university is the one that fits you best.

3 months ago

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