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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can Someone Give Me the Lowdown on Pepperdine University?

Hi all, Pepperdine University made its way onto my list of potential colleges and I was hoping someone could inform me more about it. What’s Pepperdine University like, and what makes it stand out? Any detail would be greatly appreciated.

3 months ago

Sure thing! Pepperdine University is a private, Christian university located in Malibu, California. It's hard not to mention its breathtaking location overlooking the Pacific Ocean, which is a real highlight for students.

In terms of academic strengths, Pepperdine is particularly known for its programs in International Studies, Business, and Psychology. It offers a wide range of majors and its smaller class sizes lead to a low 13:1 student-teacher ratio, offering an environment conducive to one-on-one learning and interaction with professors.

Moreover, Pepperdine is a Christian university affiliated with the Churches of Christ, so faith is an important part of the campus culture. With required religious courses and weekly chapel attendance, the university offers an atmosphere where students can cultivate both their intellectual and spiritual lives. However, students of all faiths are welcome and are part of the campus community.

Additionally, Pepperdine places a strong emphasis on service, leadership, and ethics across all its programs. If social service is something you are passionate about, you could find many opportunities to get involved in community outreach and international service projects at Pepperdine.

Pepperdine also has a successful athletics program. It is part of the West Coast Conference, with robust programs particularly in tennis and volleyball.

Keep in mind that campus life at Pepperdine may not be for everyone. It tends to be quieter due to its location and a pretty strict code of conduct reflecting its Christian affiliation. If you're someone who appreciates a bustling city nightlife or a heavy party scene, this might not be the best fit for you.

Overall, while the academic experiences, beautiful location, and integration of faith are stand-out features of Pepperdine, it's essential that its particular brand of social life and religious orientation aligns with your personal preferences and beliefs.

3 months ago

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