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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What is Path University like?

Hey fellow students! Came across Path University recently when looking for potential colleges to apply to. Does anyone have experience with or knowledge about this university? Can't seem to find a lot of details on them.

3 months ago

Path University does not seem like a well-known institution based on your description—unavailability of extensive information and not being commonly mentioned often in college discussions. Be wary of unknown schools, depending on what you're looking for in your post-secondary educational experience.

Always take into account factors such as accreditation when considering colleges. Accreditation ensures the academic quality of the institution and is a key factor when considering college credits for job requirements or transfer admissions. Look for schools that are regionally accredited, since these credits have a higher likelihood of being recognized by graduate schools or employers.

Other things to consider when researching unfamiliar institutions are the specific majors they offer, the student-to-faculty ratio, on-campus resources and services, and the general campus culture. You might want to check their official website or major online college database for this information.

Feel free to share what you're hoping to major in, and maybe we can suggest other universities that might fit what you're looking for! It's always a great idea to consider a diverse range of colleges for your applications.

3 months ago

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