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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on the Purdue University's location in the USA?

I'm an international student considering applying to Purdue University. Can anyone share any insights about its location and whether it's a good place for international students?

3 months ago

Purdue University is located in West Lafayette, Indiana, which is a small to mid-sized city in the United States. It's about a two-hour drive from Chicago, offering you the opportunity to visit a major global city when you want that change of pace.

West Lafayette is known for its collegiate atmosphere, given the university's large presence there. There are many places to study, eat, and socialize without the overcrowding that comes with a massive urban city. It's considered safer and calmer than some larger cities. The cost of living in West Lafayette is also generally lower compared to more urban locations in the US.

As far as international students, Purdue has a robust international presence. According to the university's data, Purdue enrolls students from over 130 different countries which means there is a diverse array of cultures on campus. They have several organizations that cater to international students, providing resources, events, and support systems to help ease the transition into life in the U.S.

As for the weather, Indiana experiences all four seasons. Summers can be quite warm with temperatures in the 80s Fahrenheit (around 30 Celsius), while winters can be cold and snowy. Be prepared for a range of weather conditions!

Lastly, West Lafayette sits in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States. This might impact your ability to communicate in real-time with family and friends back home, depending on their location. However, it's something that international students usually adjust to pretty well.

Overall, Purdue's location offers a balance of a collegiate-focused community with the benefits of diversity and access to a major city. It's important to think about what type of environment you feel you would thrive in best - whether that's a bustling city or a more relaxed college town.

3 months ago

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