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Insights on Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines?

Hey guys, I'm eyeing healthcare programs for college and someone mentioned Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines. I'm wondering if any of you have some insights on this college?

3 months ago

Mercy College of Health Sciences, located in Des Moines, Iowa, offers a specialized, health sciences-focused education. With a small student enrollment, the college can provide personalized attention, which many students appreciate. It offers various degrees and programs in nursing, health sciences, and health-related fields.

The nursing program, in particular, is known for its quality curriculum and high NCLEX (nursing licensure exam) pass rates. This program can be a good option if you're considering a career in nursing. Besides the bachelor of nursing, they also offer associate degrees and certificates in areas such as medical assisting and health informatics.

In terms of location, being in Des Moines can offer various opportunities for internships and job placements. The city has many health care facilities which can provide real-world experience in your field of study.

While the tuition might seem high, the college pledges to provide assistance that could make it affordable for all students. It’s best to look at their financial aid options and use their net price calculator to estimate your cost.

However, as with all colleges, also consider factors like student life, extracurricular activities, and compatibility with your personal and academic interests. Remember that choosing a college is a very personal decision, and visit the college if possible. Seeing campus facilities and talking to current students can give you a better idea of what life at Mercy College of Health Sciences is like.

3 months ago

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