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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Location experiences for Northwood University?

Hi all, I'm considering applying to Northwood University. I've looked at a ton of brochures and their site, but I kind of want some 'real talk'. Can anyone share their experiences of the location? Is the climate bearable? Are there fun things to do nearby?

3 months ago

Absolutely! Northwood University is located in Midland, Michigan, which has a relatively small population but offers a unique assortment of activities.

Many describe Midland as having a quaint, friendly environment, featuring a mix of cultural, shopping and recreational opportunities. You'll find nature trails, shopping centers, and a few charming restaurants in the area. The city is also just about two hours from Detroit, which presents numerous additional opportunities for cultural outings and entertainment.

In terms of climate, get ready to embrace all four seasons if you're going to attend Northwood University. Summers can get up to the high 80s (Fahrenheit), while winters can dip well below freezing, with snow quite common. If you're from a warmer climate, you'll definitely want to invest in a good winter coat and boots!

With all that said, it's certainly a place where you can find your niche. It may not be a bustling city with a ton of nightlife, but Midland's charm is in its laid-back atmosphere, abundance of outdoor activities, and close-knit community. It's definitely worth considering if you're comfortable with a quieter college town environment.

3 months ago

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