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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Stressin' about Nova Southeastern University Application Deadline

Hey, has any of you applied to Nova Southeastern University? I've looked around but can't find a straight answer about the application deadline. Is there a priority deadline I should aim for? Help, I'm kind of freaking out about this.

3 months ago

Not to worry! Nova Southeastern University (NSU) offers an Early Action deadline which is non-binding and allows you to hear back sooner. Here are the deadlines to keep in mind:

- Early Action Deadline: December 1st

- Regular Deadline: March 1st

Remember, if you apply by the Early Action deadline of December 1st, you'll get a decision by mid-December to January. If you apply by the regular deadline of March 1st, you'll get a decision by April.

It's always a good idea to apply as soon as you can though, since you'll not only hear back sooner but also give yourself plenty of time to address any potential issues that could pop up with your application. Also, don't forget to submit all required documents and information before the deadline. That includes your transcript, SAT or ACT test scores (NSU is not test-optional), and your essays.

Take a deep breath, you've got this!

3 months ago

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