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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Majors Does Patrick Henry College Offer?

Hey everyone. I'm considering applying to Patrick Henry College but I'm unsure about their degree programs. Does anyone have any details about what kind of majors they offer? Would you recommend their programs? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Patrick Henry College offers a variety of degree options for students wanting to delve into a diverse range of subjects. Here's a brief rundown of the majors that you can choose from at this institution:

1. Classical Liberal Arts

2. Economics and Business Analytics

3. Government (with potential tracks in American Politics and Policy, International Politics and Policy, Political Theory, and Strategic Intelligence in National Security)

4. History

5. Literature

6. Journalism

7. Mathematics

8. Mathematical Economics

9. Philosophy

10. Strategic Intelligence in National Security

11. Theatre

Patrick Henry College is especially known for its government program and its rigorous liberal arts curriculum. Furthermore, its Strategic Intelligence in National Security program is unique and prepares students for careers in intelligence, national security, and other government sectors.

Whether or not these programs will be suitable for you really depends on your academic interests and professional aspirations. Before making a decision, ensure that you investigate these programs and their course contents, and perhaps try to get in touch with some current students or alumni of the college to get their take on these programs. This could provide you with a firsthand account of the quality, rigor, and relevance of these programs, and help you make an informed decision. Good luck with your research and your application!

3 months ago

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