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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights about University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Campus?

I've been given a lot of mixed reviews about University of Pittsburgh's Johnstown campus. Is there anyone here who has attended or is attending Pitt-Johnstown? How has your experience been - especially academically and socially? Any and all insights are appreciated!

3 months ago

Academically, Pitt-Johnstown is known for its strong programs in Engineering and Nursing. The faculty are generally described as knowledgeable and intent on the success of their students. The class sizes are typically small, promoting a more personal learning experience and closer relationships with professors. However, as with any university, the academic rigor and effectiveness of teaching might vary between different departments or even different courses within the same department.

Socially, Pitt-Johnstown, like many campuses, is what you make of it. It's a smaller campus, with a population around 2,200 students. This can foster a tight-knit community feeling, but the variety of clubs, organizations, and activities might be less compared to larger campuses. Athletics are Division II and sports like wrestling and soccer seem to have a significant presence. The campus is located in a rural/suburban area, which might be a fit if you prefer calmer surroundings, but could feel limiting if you are looking for an urban experience or extensive off-campus options for entertainment.

Keep in mind that everyone's experience varies based on their own personalities, academic interests, involvement in extracurriculars, and overall expectations. Ideally, I would recommend visiting the campus or at least talking directly with current students or alumni to get a more personalized perspective. This could give you a better understanding of whether the campus culture and academic programs align with what you're looking for.

3 months ago

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