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Military and No Combat, Possible?

Hey everyone. Lately, I've been thinking more about joining the military. The only thing is, I really, to be quite blunt, don't want to go anywhere near combat. Are there any branches of the military where I'm less likely to be deployed to conflict zones?

3 months ago

Yes, it is possible to serve in the military and have a career that doesn't involve direct combat. However, it's important to bear in mind that all military roles come with some level of risk, and even non-combat roles may be required to serve in active combat zones, depending on the circumstances.

Nonetheless, here are a few options that generally involve less risk of seeing combat:

1. Air Force: The U.S. Air Force has a wide variety of non-combat roles, such as aircraft maintenance, intelligence, and support and administration. Combat roles do exist in the Air Force, but this branch is generally seen as having the lowest risk of combat.

2. Navy: The Navy also offers many opportunities for non-combat roles, especially if you serve aboard a ship or submarine. Positions can range from technology and communications to medical and clerical work.

3. Space Force: As the newest branch of the U.S. armed forces, Space Force is primarily focused on defending U.S. operations in space, rather than on-the-ground combat.

Remember, all these branches also provide opportunities for additional education, which can be a valuable asset for your post-military career. You may want to consult with recruiters from various branches to discuss your interests and goals. They can provide more detailed information about potential roles and opportunities for service.

3 months ago

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