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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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LGBTQ+ friendly Military Branch?

Hello! I identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and thinking about joining the military after high school. Any thoughts on which branches are more accepting and supportive? Is there any notable difference in policies or the environment? Any input would be great!

5 months ago

Hello! First, thank you for your willingness to serve, and it's great you're considering inclusivity as part of your decision.

For the most part, each branch of the United States military—Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force—is bound by the same Department of Defense policies regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. All branches are open to serving LGBTQ+ individuals and the military as a whole has made significant strides in recent years to support and protect the rights of all service members.

In 2011, the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy was repealed, allowing people to openly serve regardless of sexual orientation across all branches. More recently, in early 2021, a directive was issued that permits transgender individuals to serve openly as well. This policy also protects individuals from discrimination based on gender identity.

As for inclusivity and support, you may be interested in 'OutServe-SLDN', it's a nonprofit advocacy group for LGBTQ+ military personnel. They can be a good source of information and support regardless of the branch you choose.

However, the level of acceptance and comfort may vary somewhat from branch to branch, and even from unit to unit, given that attitudes can depend a lot on individual leaders and peers. To get insights on specific branches, connect with current service members or veterans from the LGBTQ+ community who can share their personal experiences. Ultimately, the environment will be what you make of it, and just like in civilian life, you may encounter varying degrees of acceptance.

Remember, it's crucial to look at each branch and consider where you might best fit in terms of job opportunities and culture. What matters most is which branch has the opportunities that align best with your interests and career goals, and where you feel you can best contribute. Good luck as you navigate this decision!

5 months ago

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