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Satellite usage in the military: which branch utilizes them the most?

Hey folks, I have a huge interest in space, satellites, and technology. I'm considering joining the military as a way to pursue this interest. I'm wondering though, which branch of the military would give me the most exposure to satellite technology and operations? Your insights will be deeply appreciated. Cheers!

3 months ago

The U.S. Space Force is likely the branch you want to look at. Established in 2019, the Space Force is dedicated to warfare and military interests in space, which includes monitoring satellites and ensuring the US maintains strategic space capabilities.

Space Force personnel, also known as Guardians, are responsible for tasks like tracking space debris, monitoring ballistic missile launches, and maintaining satellites that enable strong communication and data gathering for other military branches. Therefore, in this branch, you'd get a significant amount of exposure to satellite technology and operations.

That being said, other branches also utilize satellites, like the Air Force and Navy, for tasks like reconnaissance, weather, navigation, and communication. However, they might not offer as much depth in terms of working directly with satellite technology.

Of course, you'd also likely want to complete specialized training or educational programs that cater to satellite technology. Good luck with your decision and future career!

3 months ago

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