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US Military Branches with Choirs

What's up everyone, I was wondering if you could help me out a bit. I absolutely love singing and want to keep doing it even if I join the military, so can anyone tell me which branches of the US military have choirs?

3 months ago

Sure, I can help! There are multiple branches of the U.S. military that have choirs, or at least music-oriented groups.

The United States Army has a prestigious ensemble known as the United States Army Chorus, which is a branch of the U.S. Army Band. This male chorus has been performing for audiences across the globe since its establishment in 1956.

The U.S. Air Force also has the Singing Sergeants, an all-active duty Airman ensemble consisting of 24 vocalists and a pianist. It's also worth mentioning the U.S. Air Force's regional bands and units that might be of interest to you.

The U.S. Navy has the Naval Academy and Naval Forces Europe Bands, both of which have vocalists in addition to instrumentalists.

The Marine Corps doesn't have an official choir or singing group, but they do have multiple music ensembles, including the United States Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps as well as the Marine Corps Band, where vocalists may have opportunities to perform.

Lastly, while the newly established U.S. Space Force does not currently have a choir of its own, Space Force personnel may still be eligible to audition for singing roles in other military ensembles since they technically fall under the Department of the Air Force in regards to administrative affairs.

Getting into these choirs would require auditioning and showing a high degree of musical and vocal skill, in addition to meeting other military entrance requirements. And remember, joining the military is a serious commitment, so make sure that the decision to enlist aligns with your general life goals and aspirations. Good luck!

3 months ago

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