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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone tell me about community colleges in Flint, Michigan?

I've been considering attending a community college before transferring to a 4-year institution, and Michigan is on the list. Specifically, I've been looking at Flint but I'm not too familiar with the area or the colleges there. Any insights on the community colleges in Flint, especially in terms of academics and student support?

3 months ago

In Flint, Michigan, Mott Community College is a highly-rated institution that you might want to consider. It offers a variety of academic courses including Business, Nursing, and Criminal Justice, among others.

Many students appreciate the smaller class sizes at Mott, as it provides opportunities for more detailed instruction and personalized attention. As for student support, Mott has a robust system in place, including academic advising, career services, and tutoring centers to assist students in their academic journey. They also offer resources for mental health and wellness.

The college also has a Workforce Development program aimed at bolstering local businesses and creating job opportunities for students and graduates. This kind of engagement with the local industry can be a major advantage when it comes to finding internships or work after graduation.

Another important factor to consider is that attending a community college like Mott can make your transition to a 4-year institution smoother, especially within Michigan. Mott has articulation agreements with several universities in the area. This means they've created a pathway for the transfer of credits, helping to ensure your credits will be accepted by the 4-year institution and shortening the time to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Of course, each student's experience will be different, and it's recommended to take a tour of the campus (if possible) or engage with current students or alumni to get a better sense of what attending Mott might be like for you. Remember to look at your academic goals and see how well Mott's program offerings align with them.

3 months ago

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