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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Anyone familiar with Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC?

Hey, anyone out there who can talk about their experiences at Coastal Carolina University? It's located in Conway, SC, right? What's the campus culture like? How are the academics, especially the D-Business department? Any information would be helpful!

3 months ago

Sure! Coastal Carolina University (CCU) is indeed located in Conway, South Carolina. As for the campus culture, CCU boasts a warm, welcoming community atmosphere. Many students actively engage in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including clubs, sports, and service groups. The campus is known for being gorgeous, with many modern facilities and amenities.

In terms of academics, CCU receives positive feedback, particularly for its D-Business department, also known as the Wall College of Business. The college offers a variety of business specialties and is recognized for incorporating real-world experience into its curriculum. For instance, classes often involve case studies, team projects, and internships. This allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

Additionally, CCU has a relatively small student-faculty ratio, which allows for personalized interaction and guidance from professors. Students often report that faculty members are genuinely invested in their success, both during and after their college career.

One last thing worth mentioning is the surrounding geography. Conway is a charming small city, and if you love the beach, you're in luck. The city is only a short drive away from Myrtle Beach, where students often spend weekends enjoying the coastline and various recreational activities. Keep in mind that individual experiences can vary, but in general, the academics and campus life at CCU have a lot to offer!

3 months ago

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