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Looking for Sports Marketing

Hi there - I'm trying to figure out my future, and I've hit a bit of a snag. I know I want to do something with sports marketing, but I'm not sure which colleges have this program. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

3 months ago

Sure, I can definitely help you with that. While there may not be a lot of programs explicitly dedicated to sports marketing, there are quite a few colleges that offer a strong combination of business, marketing, and sports management programs. If you're passionate about sports marketing, considering these in tandem might be a good option.

One university to consider would be the University of Oregon, which houses the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center as part of its business school. This center is dedicated specifically to the study of sports marketing and offers a variety of courses and resources for students interested in this field.

Another institution to consider is the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). They don't have a specific Sports Marketing major, but they offer a Marketing and Communications major, and also have a wide variety of sports clubs and internships that could give you practical experience in sports marketing.

Michigan State University also offers a Sports Management program in their Kinesiology department, where students can take classes on sport and entertainment marketing.

Other notable institutions include Syracuse University and Indiana University, both of which offer sports management programs that delve into the world of sports marketing.

Lastly, for any university you're considering, investigate whether they have partnerships or internships with local sports teams; this could provide a hands-on experience in sports marketing.

Remember, the real key to a successful career in sports marketing is more about gaining a strong foundation in business principles, excellent communication skills, and a solid understanding of the sports industry. So while a specific sports marketing program can provide an excellent start, there are also many other paths to reach your career goals. Your passion and dedication will be the most crucial elements for your success.

3 months ago

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