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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I get some reviews on CSU Fort Collins?

I've been looking into Colorado State University in Fort Collins but I'm unsure about what to expect. Any students or alumni here who can give some personal reviews about the academic culture, campus life, diversity, etc. there? Potential business major here!

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some insights about Colorado State University (CSU)!

First, let's start with the academic culture. CSU is a well-recognized institution, and its College of Business is particularly strong. It's known for its emphasis on experiential learning, so you can expect plenty of internships, case competitions, and hands-on projects in your curriculum. It's characterized by a collaborative atmosphere rather than a deeply competitive one - students tend to help, rather than one-up, one another. The faculty is widely praised for being approachable, helpful, and invested in students' success.

Campus life at CSU is quite vibrant. Based in Fort Collins, the campus enjoys the vibrancy of a college town with a bustling downtown area, great food, and numerous outdoor activities. There's a variety of clubs and organizations to get involved in, whether you're interested in sports, arts, cultural organizations, or outdoor activities. And speaking of outdoors, the campus is surrounded by splendid natural beauty, so there's plenty of hiking and biking opportunities if that's your thing.

As for diversity, CSU has made strides in promoting an inclusive campus environment. It hosts numerous multicultural and LGBTQ+ organizations. Special efforts have been made for international students to feel welcome as well. However, it's always a good idea to reach out to current students to get their perspective on the climate towards diversity on campus.

Keep in mind that individual experiences can vary, so I recommend reaching out to current students or alumni directly for a more personal perspective. You can also attend a campus tour to experience the CSU vibe firsthand. Good luck with your decision-making process!

3 months ago

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