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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors does Cuesta College offer?

I've been thinking about going to Cuesta College. Still deciding on a major though. What kind of fields of study do they offer, and are there any that they're particularly known for?

3 months ago

Cuesta College offers a wide variety of majors and programs which are quite diverse, fitting the interests and career aspirations of many students. They offer over 60 Associate degree types and over 70 career-technical programs. Just to name a few, you have choices amongst Business, Nursing, Performing Arts, Computer Science, and many more.

Furthermore, Cuesta College offers strong programs in Nursing and Allied Health. The Reasoning being, these programs have a reputation for producing high-quality graduates who are well-prepared for their careers. The pass rate for licensure exams in these majors is consistently high, signifying strong curriculum and faculty in these departments.

Cuesta College has a robust Transfer Center which can be a helpful resource if you plan on transferring to a 4-year university after completing your associate degree. Cuesta has partnerships with several California State University and University of California campuses, which can make the transfer process smoother.

It can be beneficial to explore the college's website, or contact the admissions office, to get a detailed insight into all the programs they offer and to gauge which one might align with your interests or career goals. Remember, the most important thing is to choose a course that you are passionate about and that will help you achieve your career goals in the future.

3 months ago

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