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Toughest Military Branch for PT?

Hey, current high school junior here, toying with the idea of the military after school. I've heard that Physical Training (PT) requirements can be tough. Which branch has the hardest PT?

3 months ago

Physical Training (PT) requirements indeed differ between branches of the military, and the perception of which one is the "hardest" might differ based on individual strengths. However, a common view is that the Marines have the most challenging physical fitness standards.

The Marines have three categories for their Physical Fitness Test (PFT) - pull-ups/flexed arm hang, abdominal crunches, and a three-mile run, all of which are scored depending on the individual's age and gender. The Marines also have the Combat Fitness Test (CFT), entailing an ammunition lift, maneuver under fire drill, and movement to contact run.

But do remember that the training in every branch is designed to prepare you for its specific duties and mission. While the Marines' physical requirements are generally considered rigorous, roles in other branches - like Special Operations in the Army or the Navy - are also incredibly physically demanding.

It's always wise to research each branch's specific fitness requirements and consider your personal aptitude and physical capabilities. This will help ensure you're prepared for the unique physical challenges of whichever branch you choose.

3 months ago

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