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Military Hierarchy: Who has the most 4-star Generals?

Hey y'all, I'm thinking about joining the military after high school as I believe it'll provide me with invaluable skills and experiences. Obviously, advancement is a big consideration as well. That being said, does anyone know which branch tends to have the most 4-star generals? It's okay if you don't know exactly, but I'd appreciate any educated guesses.

3 months ago

The number of 4-star generals (or equivalent rank in other branches) is not tied to a particular branch of the military. In fact, the number is primarily influenced by the size of the branch and its various necessities.

The Army and the Air Force typically have the most 4-star General positions due to their size and diversity of roles. The Navy equivalent, Admiral, is also common due to the extensive operations and responsibilities the Navy upholds.

That said, you should remember that achieving the rank of a 4-star general or equivalent is incredibly rare, and the primary focus when choosing a military branch should ideally be on the roles and opportunities that align best with your skills and interests. Finding a role you enjoy and are capable in will naturally lead to progression and advancement. This will also ensure you maintain a long, sustainable, and fulfilling career in the military.

3 months ago

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