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How's the admission process for Cuyamaca College?

I'm considering Cuyamaca College as one of my options after high school. Has anyone here gone through their application process? What documentation and preparation did you need? Also, any insights on what they're looking for in an applicant would be super helpful.

3 months ago

Cuyamaca College follows an open admission policy, meaning it admits anyone who has a high school diploma, GED, or is aged 18 or older. However, a standardized process is still in place to ensure that every student starts their academic journey well-equipped.

First, you'll need to complete the online application. This is usually done through the California Community College website and won't take too long—just make sure you pay close attention to all the questions and answer honestly and accurately. Luckily, there isn't an application fee, so you can apply without worrying about that cost.

After you've submitted your application, you should receive instructions about setting up your Cuyamaca College WebAdvisor account, which is a pretty essential tool for handling your electronic affairs at the college. It's through this account that you'll keep track of your admissions status, class schedules, and any important notifications.

Next, you'll have to participate in the Cuyamaca College online orientation. It's a necessary step and should provide you with a wealth of valuable information about the school and your new life as a student there.

Regarding placements, Cuyamaca College no longer requires placement testing for English or Mathematics. Instead, the college uses a Guided Self-Placement process, allowing you to decide what classes are the best fit for your skills and academic goals.

Consider meeting with an academic counselor once you've completed these steps. They can help you map out your education plan and make sure you're on the right track to achieving your goals. It's vital to meet with a counselor before you regularly enroll to ensure you start off on the right foot.

As for documentation, you may need to submit transcripts if you've taken college credit at another college/university, if you're applying for financial aid, or if you're applying to a specific program that may require them.

As an open-access institution, Cuyamaca College does not rely on competitive criteria for admittance. However, demonstrating readiness for college-level work and a commitment to academic success can help set you up for a strong start there. Remember, success at a community college like Cuyamaca is as much about what you put into your education as it is about where you start.

3 months ago

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