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Majors at Florida Polytechnic University

I'm considering Florida Polytechnic University because of their STEM emphasis, but I'm a little vague on their specific programs. Can anyone tell me about the variety of majors they offer, specifically within Engineering?

3 months ago

Florida Polytechnic University is indeed well-known for its focus on STEM fields and offers a range of degrees specifically within Engineering.

Their bachelor's degree offerings within Engineering include:

1. Computer Engineering: Combines principles of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This degree can prepare you for a variety of careers, such as systems engineer, network engineer, or embedded systems engineer.

2. Electrical Engineering: Trains students on the application of electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics, and prepares you for roles like electronics engineer, control system engineer, or test engineer.

3. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: This degree provides a combination of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering principles. It prepares students for a wide range of roles such as mechanical engineer, industrial engineer, or manufacturing engineer.

4. Civil Engineering: This is a new program that started in Fall 2024 and focuses on structural and environmental engineering.

Additionally, all students at Florida Polytechnic are required to complete an industry internship or an undergraduate research experience. This gives students real-world experience and a chance to apply the skills they've learned in their classes.

Remember, while the degree program you choose is important, it's equally crucial to think about what you want to do in the future. Try looking at the different types of careers and roles that each degree could set you up for. Hope this helps!

3 months ago

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