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National Louis University in Illinois - Good Choice?

I'm a high school rising junior and recently came across National Louis University in Illinois while doing my college search. I'm interested but I want to hear some opinions before I decide anything. For those who are familiar, what can you tell me about this university? Is it a good choice for someone aiming for a career in business, for example?

3 months ago

National Louis University (NLU) is a private institution known for its focus on career-oriented programs and its support for nontraditional and adult learners. However, it's equally suitable for traditional students seeking a more intimate campus atmosphere, with a student to faculty ratio of 15:1. This can allow more personalized guidance through your university journey.

When it comes to business studies, NLU offers a selection of related programs including Business Administration, Business Management, and Entrepreneurship. Particularly noteworthy is the Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management designed to provide a broad base of knowledge related to organizational operations, strategic planning, and personnel management.

Additionally, the institution also provides experiential learning opportunities, including internships and other forms of work-integrated learning, which can be crucial for building professional connections and acquiring hands-on experience in your chosen field.

However, it may be advantageous to consider what exactly you're hoping to get from your business degree and career. If prestige is important to you, note that NLU is not a highly ranked institution. Hence, if you're considering a career in high-level corporate settings, you might want to aim for institutions with more renowned business programs.

In terms of the student life, NLU is set in the heart of a metropolitan area, providing ample opportunities for entertainment and cultural experiences. But remember it's not a large state school or a typical residential campus, so your social experience might be a bit different than at traditional colleges.

Remember to visit the campus or attend a virtual tour, if available, to have a better understanding of what life and study might be like at NLU and the available resources for students. Also, using NLU's net price calculator (https://nl.edu/tuition-and-aid/tuition-and-fees/net-price-calculator/) can give you an idea of the financial cost and ensure it aligns with your budget.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a career-focused, intimate learning environment in a city setting, NLU could be a good fit for you. Just ensure that it aligns with your academic, career, and financial expectations before making a decision.

3 months ago

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